Thursday, August 4, 2011

Home Sweet Home III & IV

WHAM! - I'm back in Germany feeling like I just woke up from a dream...- an awsome one!
I met my wonderful family, spend some money, stopped by at a few nice locations and went too often to the beach.
Now I'm finally back just 3 days right before school starts - I didn't do my homework - and I don't regret not doing them.
Although, my holidays were great I feel much more comfortable at home. My home sweet home. My smelly home sweet home. I didn't clean it before I trotted to the east...

(click to enlarge)

...und nach dem Heimflug erst einmal dem gutem altem Bett 'Hallo' sagen....gah jetlag.

Und.......ich versuch demnächst mehr auf Deutsch zu schreiben. Mein Deutsch lässt sich zurzeit nicht ohne hässliche grammatikalische Fehler sehen.

1 comment:

  1. What homework??? Oh, btw. wellcome back^^ Many things have changed, since you were away, but I see that you are still working on your drawings... They are a bit raw... the buildings are, that is... Try adding more details so that even I can distinguish a building from a giant door (refering to the upper pic)... It makes ist hard to designate the proportions... I had that problem in an earlier post, too
