Monday, April 25, 2011

The useless defense

Was ist schönes Wetter wenn man es nicht genießen kann? Schlechtes Wetter. Wie jedes Jahr beginnt mit dem Frühling die Zeit, in der Pollen Allergiker das Leben schwerer machen. Während andere draußen herumhüpfen greift der Allergiker nach Taschentüchern...
Spring...a beautiful season when people  say goodbye to winter and snow - and allergy sufferers say hello to hay fever. God bless the tissue paper!


  1. did u get the idea for the pic when u looked at ur bro? or is it actually urself???

  2. thank you for commenting on my entries!^^ - it's not my brother in any way °.°' but the person in the middle depicts me :D

  3. Of course,I never thought that it was ur bro in the pic xD
