Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I am doing something

I just thought today (30th November) would be a nice day to post something.
It's not my birthday but the date attracts me in some kind...- so here I have a sketchy and random colouring of a picture I am working on.
As you can see its still in it's early stages, obviously.


Ich dachte mir das heutige Datum ist so schön "...Gott, sehen Sie, wie schön!",
daher habe ich einfach mal eine Skizze coloriert und lade es hoch.
Sache ist - ich arbeite noch daran, also wird aus diesem schwebenen Kopf u.a. noch ein richtiges Bild.

Adelaid lässt grüßen!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Sketched the Crew

During politics lessons my class discussed wether the politic party NPD should be prohibited or not - as there were cases of murder commited by a few members of the said group some weeks ago.

As the normal individual...knows homicide is a severe criminal act - that's how I can describe it
emotionless. I don't want to go deeper into this topic but something came to my mind the time we talked in class.
The harsh difference between felony in real life and in fictitious space.
We read so many stories, watch tons of movies and television shows filled with this kind of stuff.
 Yet we aren't hardened against real brutality.

To me it's good that there are these two different worlds -
reality and fiction.
I just hope I wouldn't mix them up.

confuzzed me: 'And you guys? What do you think about violence etc etc?'


...der deutsche Teil meines Eintrags muss mal heute ausfallen...
Ich kann ja noch die Skizze beschreiben...
von links nach rechts:

Adelaid Y. Faulkner
Yael Driscol
Iko O'Tings

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

back to the-scratchpad

There are several things I wanted to say:

1st That one-shot didn't kill me.
2nd I'm currently trying to start making super-short animations.
3rd I wish I could turn back into a 14-year-old.
4th I uploaded a sketch with a girl wearing things I like.
5th The English translation of my one-shot will be uploaded to my dA gallery.


Joar nach mehr als 2 Wochen Funkstille poste ich mal wieder etwas.

Also: Ich werde meinen Beitrag auf englisch nach und nach zu meiner dA-Gallerie hinzufügen. Momentan suche ich schon nach Studienplätze...!?...und versuche deshalb schon mit Animationen anzufangen, ein Paar Programme testen, etc.
Es wird natürlich fleißig weiter gezeichnet und hier ist eine Skizze, zur Erinnerung welche Formen/Farben/Kleidungstücke mir gefallen.

'What do I want?'

Tschö für heute~

(the link to dA can be found on the side-bar/
den Link zur dA-Seite befindet sich auf der rechten Side-Bar)